Thursday, August 03, 2006

Odd drinking habits...

No, I'm not talking about me this time.

Our kitties love water. And they have some pretty strange habits.

Here's Lucky a few days ago:

DISCLAIMER: I usually attempt to hide my water glasses. I do NOT mean to allow kitties to drink from my glass. This water was subsequently poured out and the glass has been incinerated.

Another one of our kitties, Tuffy, has an interesting way of drinking his water. It's still entertaining (to us at least) every time we see him do it. He usually soaks the whole area around him, but what I can do?


Lori Stewart Weidert said...

This cracked me up, I even brought my coworkers over to watch.

Jamie said...

I've never seen a cat or any animal drink like that! It was funny how he was facing the wall, like he didn't want anyone to see.

Anonymous said...

My cat sticks her paw in the water too and it's driving me CRAZY! I have a mat (with raised edges even!) under the bowl, but it might as well be a lake!!