Monday, August 15, 2005


Lucky was found in the middle of the road by a convenient store in Greenville, Illinois. We were returning home from my parents' house and decided to take the country roads home. He was sitting in the road meowing very loudly (crying). We stopped the car, I picked him up and brought him into the store parking lot. We decided to buy him some food there and give him some water. I asked Mike: "What are we going to do?" His first, casual response was: "There's a bush over there. He'll be safe there." I said - "At the very least, we could take him to the Humane Society." A few minutes later, Mike was petting Lucky and asking him: "Do you want to be part of our family?"

What softies we are!!


Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Ah...a testimonial to your hearts...and also to your relationship. You are lucky to have found each, your husband...AND your cats.

Momo said...

Thank you. How sweet of you to say that...


Momo said...

Simple breeze - thanks for visiting my blog. I'm glad to meet another cat lover too.