Wednesday, August 24, 2005


G - our first cat.

Actually, my grandmother bought G for me when I was 18. So, he was just my cat for a long while.

For many years, G was an outdoor cat. My mother would not allow him in the house. He finally became an indoor kitty when I moved in with Mike. And G absolutely adores Mike. That made me crazy with jealousy. (Obviously, this is not a problem anymore since we have five cats to share now.) The first time we realized just how much G loved Mike was when he came home from a trip and G walked right accross my lap to Mike's, looked up at him and gazed lovingly into his eyes. And now, G does that almost every night we're home.


Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Momo! You keep your cats in a drawer? Shame on you!

Momo said...


One of our cats did get stuck in a drawer for a day. Long story. I'll tell you guys in person - I want to SEE you laugh!

ilaiy said...

Did you get the evil horns ..
