Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I've been tagged by my friend, gnightgirl, so - here goes:

Four jobs I've had
1. Convenient Store Clerk
2. Hotel maid
3. Easter Bunny
4. Legal Assistant/Secretary

Four movies I can watch over and over

1. Sense & Sensibility
2. She’s the One
3. Clue
4. Inventing the Abbotts

Four places I have lived

1. Houston, TX
2. Abilene, TX
3. Urbana, IL
4. Sadorus, IL

Four TV shows I love

1. Dawson’s Creek
2. Arrested Development
3. Strangers With Candy
4. The Office

(I could go on and on and on…)

Four places I've vacationed

1. Jackson, OH
2. Lille, France
3. Chicago, IL
4. St. Louis, MO

(Not very exciting – I need more vacations)

Four of my favorite dishes

1. Esquire pizza
2. LoriRice
3. crab chili
4. Courier burger

(Uh, I could go on and on….)

Four sites I visit daily


Four places I would rather be right now

1. England
2. Ireland
3. Anywhere warm
4. home

Four people I am tagging

1. Woof
2. Aimer
3. Phyller
4. Tiny Oranges

1 comment:

edina monsoon said...

Ireland?? Galway! Galway! Cos its lovier than Dublin.