Tuesday, April 25, 2006

1st Annual Baby Bunny Photos

It seems that each year we're going to find a nest (is that the right term?) of baby bunnies in our yard. Oh, they're soooo cute - I'd love to keep them all and snuggle them.

But, really - we try not to bother them. Last night, my husband was mowing the yard and found this year's "batch o' bunnies". He only picked one up to move it back into its hole but, when he picked it up - I took the opportunity to photograph the little guy...or gal...uh, cutie!!


Woof said...

Encouraging news (according to bunny sites):
1) Mother bunnies won't abandon their babies if touched by humans.
2) Mother bunnies only spend about five minutes per day feeding their babies.
3) Mother bunnies do not sit on their young to keep them warm.
4) If baby bunnies aren't constantly crying, it can be assumed that they are being taken care of by their mother.

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Oh, they are so CUTE. I LUV Bunnies, and watch very carefully for bunny nesties before I mow.

I have froggies in my yard.

shy_smiley said...

yeah, don't you wish you could take some Easter pictures with those bunnies and your cats, like the ones you posted previously? They are unbelievably precious.

We had a lone baby bunny in the back yard a few days before Easter. Poor thing. He didn't look much bigger than those in your picture, but he sure wasn't snuggled up to his brothers and sisters. He was running crazed and terrorized by the dog. I did the best I could by taking the dog inside, but I can't say what happened to that baby bunny. Sniff.

Momo said...

Woof: Thank you for your post. We can rest assured that we haven't disturbed the bunnies. I love that you're an animal lover like me.

GNG: I wanna see your li'l froggies!!

SS: Those babies do run around like lunatics if they get out of the hole. We resolved to stop checking on them and leave them tucked into their hole. It makes me too nervous to see them flying around like that! And we spent quite a while scooping one back up and putting it back into the hole the other night. Let's just believe that your baby bunny is happy and hopping around somewhere. They get self sufficient pretty early...that doesn't mean they're not spastic and stupid. I guess that's just mother nature. She should have made them smarter! :0)