Tuesday, February 03, 2009

What's that smell?!?!?!?!

Soooo, I'm not very good at keeping my car clean. But I remember being appalled by some people's cars who had kids. Melted crayons. Fries everywhere. And I just couldn't understand the mess.

But now, with Matilda, there are crackers, cookies, cookie dust...and MILK.

The past few days there has been a horrible spoiled-milk-like smell in the car. I remember telling my sister-in-law that it was like something died inside their. So, yesterday I pulled stuffed animals out and sniffed them. I spot-cleaned the car and the carseat. I left the windows open to air it out. STILL, NO improvement.

Tonight, Mike was pulling out the carseat for a full washing, doing some maintenance and found the culprit inside the trunk.

A dirty diaper I had forgotten to throw away. Seriously. We were out (a week or so ago), I changed Bilda's diaper - - no trash can in sight and I thought I'd throw it away at home.

The car smells a million times better already. And I'm reminded to never, ever judge people until I've walked a mile in their shoes...


Lori Stewart Weidert said...

So poo doesn't smell better as it ages, huh? Good scientific experiment.

Well, this was a funny post--and thought provoking. People without kids often seem to have a strong opinion of what people with kids should be doing with those kids. I know I did!! Why don't they shut that kid up?!! (ok, I still think that in Walmart sometimes.)

I know I dealt with the judgment of my friends-sans-kids, too. But revenge was sweet when they couldn't get THEIR kids to eat vegetable either.

It's all funny.

Anonymous said...

I actually found a melted crayon in my van two days ago. It obviously didn't melt in this weather, so you can only guess how long it's been since I've climbed in to the back seat. When we moved into our house, we found a tennis shoe under the front bushes. I thought, "How could you loose a shoe?" Three kids later and I definitely know (I have a story of B throwing a brand new pair away).

PS I found your blog :) Maybe I should start one? I need another hobby with all the time I have on my hands...


Woof said...
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