Button stolen from Micah's blog
I cannot believe Proposition 8 passed. I cannot believe that people have decided to tell people who they can marry. If I can't tell a good friend of mine not to marry an Al Bundy type with no job, no car, 5 priors, 2 ex-wives and four kids - - how can we tell GLBT people who they can or cannot marry????
We can't. (We shouldn't.)
And in what way would gay marriage devalue my marriage?
In absolutely no way. The only person with the potential to devalue my marriage is me or my husband. And we heterosexuals have done enough to damage to the sanctity of marriage on our own - the divorce rate being over 50%...and that's a statistic from years ago.
Whom does this effect??? (Besides our GLBT friends.)
NO ONE! It harms no one! There are no "victims". I refer back to the clever button at the top of the page.
It is - - very simply - an equal rights issue. The only comforting thing I have to say is that your day will come. Unfortunately, it hasn't arrived yet. I'm sorry that it hasn't.
Ellen said it best:
"I believe one day a 'ban on gay marriage' will sound totally ridiculous. In the meantime, I will continue to speak out for equality for all of us."Me too, Ellen.
And my word verification is "stomped" I'm not sure if I'm empowered or disheartened. ;)
That's a great post. Thanks. :-)
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