Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Matilda Watches GloZell

Sooooo...a while back, Fighting Mad Mary posted her friend GloZell's video...then my friend Gnightgirl blogged it...then our friend Wendy posted that she was blogging it from FMM and GNG and wouldn't it be funny if someone posted it from her blog?

Wellllll, lately our Miss Matilda loves watching videos on the computer...she mostly watches bunnies and animals and videos of herself but, as it turns out, EVEN SHE loves GloZell!

And who wouldn't really???

And while I was on GloZell's YouTube site, I found a new favorite of mine:

She is talented!


Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Good to start teaching your daughter early about Spanks. Can you imagine trying to get those things on over a diaper?!!

Anonymous said...

Very funny! I love her too. The kid has good taste...

Cassie said...

Matilda has an adorable giggle.