First of all, we brought all of the cats and, fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, they all made it out here safely. We drugged them on the advice of the vet. He said that cats can get motion sickness so this would help. All in all, it was much easier than I had imagined. I'd heard horror stories from Mike's mom about kitty-$hitty accidents...thankfully, we didn't have any of those. Drugging them was interesting though...the vet had said to give the pills 30 mins. or so before the drive and not to feed them. Maybe just rub the pill on some chicken so that they might be more likely to take it (yeah right!). So, not having some chicken lying around (everyone in the world does, right?), I rubbed the pills in tuna. Of course, they liked that...but I forgot that Tuffy doesn't always take to human food and as I was getting ready upstairs - he puked, lost all muscle control of himself and tumbled backwards down the stairs. I really thought he was dead for a minute. His arms sticking straight out like a dead animal you see on the side of the road. Thankfully, he only fell down the first part of the stairs and landed on the landing or else I'm pretty sure he, uh, wouldn't have made the trip.
Anyhoo, we gathered all the kitties and the baby and finally got me in the car after what felt like an eternity...I kissed the house goodbye and pretended that we were just heading into town for a coffee...
Hours later we stopped at a Cracker Barrel in Indiana.
I'm sure that Mike was worried I was going to extend the trip by eating every couple of hours (like I'm prone to doing) but we kept going and going until we reached Charleston, West Virginia at around midnight or later...I was skeered to death of driving on all the sharp curves and, for the first time, really felt scared of heights. I thought the car would go flying of the road at any second. Mike assured me that I was probably just really tired...we'd see in the morning...
Got a late start the next day...I'd promised Mike that we'd eat at McDonald's as a treat somewhere along the way. I have avoided McDonald's and trans fat for a year or so now - so this was something...And we even let Matilda have a taste...
OK, we were ready to hit the road (at around 1:00 in the afternoon). Those hills (which turned out to be or turned into being mountains) were still skeering the crap outta me. I seriously thought my car would fly off the road and into oblivion or something. But, they were also so beautiful it was breathtaking. Maybe that's why I was so scared. I'm not the best driver to begin with and I'm even worse with distractions. And I couldn't help but look at the beautiful sites I was going by...
I really loved it - driving through the tunnels was pretty fun.)
As we left the last tunnel, I saw traffic backed up for miles going in the other direction. I called Mike to mention how horrible that terrible for those people...what if that happened to us???
Of course it did happen to us. Not too many miles later when we were almost to Virginia. We had a very short drive through Virginia - maybe 100 miles or so. And we ended up parked on the highway for at least an hour. But, I think we made the best of it. I changed and fed Matilda. Got out of the car and met a lady that was heading home to North Carolina. She's a foster mom of Main Coon cats...very nice lady. It was a nice way to spend some wasted time...
Back on the road again...lots of calls from friends and family and, again, close to midnight we made it into Jacksonville. Woke up the next morning, went to pack up the kitties and couldn't find one. Aggie had wedged herself under the air conditioning unit. I really thought we were going to have to leave her there or have them remove the unit from the wall - but after some careful tugging, I got her out.
On the way through Jacksonville and past Camp Lejeune, I noticed the fence along the road was decorated with messages to soldiers that had returned home. It was a touching site to see:
We arrived at the new place safe and sound.
Oh wait, there they all are.
I am laughing til I cry from those last 2 photos. I love youse.
That musta been one heck of a trip! We'll miss you from central Illinois but it looks bootiful out there and we'll see you soon. Keep those pictures and posts comin'!
What a trip! I moved from Nebraska to Maryland with 2 cats and an infant and 2 toddlers - so boy did this bring back memories! Welcome to the east coast!
Our family always moved the pets with the people, too. Same dog for 16 years, various cats, various states. Having the dear old and newer critters with us made it so much easier for kids! Keeping your pets and your baby safe during the travels with each in its own cool. I learned a tough lesson and nearly lost a precious lavender point kitty by not having her in a pet carrier, taxi, or whatever it's called, somewhere in the middle of upstate NY, crossing from NH to MI in a move. Now my German shep wears a seatbelt. No kitties right now due to allergies, but 'someday soon' I hope. You're a courageous couple!
Hi, still here and still reading various parts of this site. It's wonderful. All this has me thinking that traveling today is so different than when I was a little child; now you have to be more alert to dangers of all sorts for selves, pets, and babies.(Not necessarily in that order, eh?) Safe traveling means good car seat, cat or dog carriers, seat belts,etc., ( all making it easier for you to keep tabs and harder for anyone so inclined to try to grab one of your fellow travelers. Not to end that on a negative note, but jeesh, I'd almost like to see a baddun TRY to grab my shepherd!! Kitties and small dogs are also safer in a carrier, just as babes secured in strollers or in car seat-beds. I wonder if any of your readers ever lost a pet while moving. n.kateus
Hi Marcy,
I hope you are getting more used to North Carolina. I thought that I should introduce myself because I have also recently transplanted from Champaign to North Carolina. In May 2007 I moved to Southern Pines, which is kind of in the southern central part of the state about a hour south of Chapel Hill. I really fell in love with the place soon after I moved here, but it was a point in my life when I really needed a change. But I still miss CU like crazy sometimes. It will always be home.
Some things that annoy me about North Carolina:
- People do not seem to be aware that there are these things on their cars called "blinkers" and that they can be used to indicate which way you are turning. Gah!
- Also road related, people don't seem to understand the concept of "slower traffic keep right". Freakin' let me pass!
- Pizza here sucks. I miss Papa Del's and Zelma's sooo much. New York style just does not do it for me and that is all I can find around here.
Good things about North Carolina:
-The people are really friendly.
-It's certainly a heck of a lot PRETTIER here than in Illinois. (Look! Trees! Hills! Plants that aren't corn!)
-You gotta love this weather. It's flooding and snowing in CU today, while here the high was 75 and I spent the afternoon sitting outside a cafe in a t-shirt while I was working. It's driving my friends back home nuts. :)
Anyway, hope NC is growing on you.
n. kateus: Awww, thanks! Glad you like my blog. Lately, I haven't been posting too much! It was quite a trip and, thankfully, everyone made it safely. I can imagine a kitty might get lost during a trip if you opened the car door or something - they might run and be gone forever! Pretty scary!
Cassie: Thank you for the note. We are getting more adjusted...this weather is fabulous! I've never experienced anything like it! And the drivers here ARE TERRIBLE!! No doubt! I really miss CU, too! And still consider it my home...maybe someday, we'll move back. I would give up this gorgeous weather to have my loved ones near! Thanks again for writing! My e-mail is if you'd like to e-mail me...
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