Friday, March 09, 2007

Vent Kitties

These pictures were taken near the end of February - you know, when it was still cold! (HA!)

Positive thinking/living in a dream world is leading me to believe that Spring is right around the sure feels like it today. I'm going to just start wearing Springy stuff and that'll make it happen, right??? Right.

Anyhoo, our house is about a million years old and even though we actually heat it (my last gas bill can attest to that) - it never quite feels warm and home-y.

Here's proof:

[please ignore my dust bunnies, flying dust, etc. Actually, now that I think about it - there was some dust on my camera lens...]


Anonymous said...

That's so cute! Our kitties do the same thing. They hear the heat kick on and make a beeline for the vents.

BostonPobble said...

Lionel and Daisy like to sleep behind the stove for the same reason.

EdotR said...

Are you preparing you children for the lil' zucchini???

I always love your cat stories...makes me think of my (RIP) cats...and the cats I'll never have due to an Elvira loving animal daughter....

Spider Girl said...

We have floor vents like that in our house too. My cats and I all think they're fabulous to sit on on cold mornings.

I'm wishing for warm weather soon. I miss the sun.