Thursday, May 24, 2007

Invader #2

Last week we found a new creature planted in our yard.

I couldn't believe it when Mike told took a while for me to understand that it just wasn't leaving. We think it might have been injured. We heard (through our neighbors) that it hung out for the whole day. Our nice neighbors brought it water and bread and called wildlife organizations to see if they could pick it up.

Of course, we worried about the little goosey. And just after I took this picture from the front door, we headed out to go for a walk and give it some bread and "poof" - - it was gone. No where to be found.

Thanks for stopping by li'l goosey! Hope wherever you are, you're safe and sound!

1 comment:

Woof said...

Rabbits, Hitler-cats, licky dogs, and now geese? This used to be a safe neighborhood.