When went down for the Keneally concert, we stayed with my parents. It was sooooo nice of them to let us stay with them for a few days. We didn't get to see them very much, but it was nice to be home for a bit.
Da Parents "acting" like they love each other. (Something they would say...I learned it from them. But, I'm pretty sure they might like each other.)
Alex (our very wonderful neighbors' son. He happens to share my birthday. He's exactly 20 years younger than me.) Alex with Archie and Mother.
Dad dropped his dinner. It landed flat on the kitchen table. (With a LOUD bang.) He really lamented that he lost his baked potato. He'd loaded it up and there weren't any potatoes left!!!
He was in luck though. His food was molded to the table.
His potato, on the other hand, stayed glued to his plate. Woohoo!!!
Archie and me.
When I'm at my parents, I love to walk around screeching "Arrrrrrchie. Arrrrrrchie. " Like whatsherface from All in the Family.
OK. The best part of the trip. What you've all be waiting for. (I'm sure!)
So....last week I took off work early on Thursday (can I get a hell ya?) and headed down to the St. Louis area where my family is from. Looooong weekend! I love it! I only dread going back to work all that more...but - it's always nice to get away.
We went to see our favorite musicians: Mike Keneally and Bryan Beller with Eric Slick on drums. I really can't write too much for fear that I'm already a gushing lunatic - let me just say that it was fab-a-lous. If only they toured more often...
First stop, Edwardsville, IL - for a Taylor Guitar Clinic:
And our own mini-concert. I like to think of it as a serenade...
While we waited for the concert to start - we ducked into this little Irish pub:
Where I found this little guy! I thought it was so cute that they let him (her?) walk around. I got to pet her (him?), but I didn't ask any questions. (What's that???? Marcy-Darcy-the-story-telling-bimbo-a-go-go didn't blather her head off? Not this time.)
(Hubband waits for me.)
On to the concert - the MAIN EVENT. The concert rocked my friggin' socks off. I don't know what else to say. I had many fine beers and rocked out to the beautiful music. Oh, there was THIS dancing guy in the audience that I really wanted to emulate (and thought that I might) but I never got up the nerve.
Sound quality is not the best on my li'l camera. But the band playing is Fattback and they opened for Keneally. They seemed talented to me and their songs were so upbeat and happy! We're going to buy their album when it comes out. I even bought one of their t-shirts. (For $10. Cheap! Cheap! Fun! Fun! Plus, I'm a consumer - I need things!!) Anyway, they have some of their songs on their Myspace page - you should listen! "Shopping for Pink" is a good one. When I heard that in concert I was singing along. Only I was singing "Shoopy Poopy." What do I know?
OK, while I'm talking about Fattback - here's a pic of them:
OK, while I'm talking about opening bands - let me mention Spyder Monkey from Chicago. They are amazingly talented and their lead singer is a beautiful woman named Susie. They were really nice people and we hope to see them in Champaign sometime soon. (At Cowboy Monkey, maybe?)
(Spyder Monkey)
I didn't get any reallygreat pics of the concert. But, a good time was had by all. And by all I mean ME. And my Mike. And anyone who was there!
(Sound check. Bryan Beller in foreground - Mike Keneally in back.)
(dancing guy dances to Mike Keneally too. Who wouldn't?)
(uh, he's really fast - I couldn't get a good picture of him.)
As I said, I can't wait for the next show that's within 300 miles of us (or any amount of reasonable driving distance). We'll be there!!
I had a lot to write about here...the family part of the STL trip is still to come. With more hilarious cat videos than you can shake a stick at!