Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Before and After

Our Aggie is such a sweet, shy kitty. She's just recently decided that she might join us downstairs once in a while. Even more surprising is that she is following the trend the others have started. Now, I know for you non-catpeople - this is pretty disgusting but some of our kitties like to sit on top of the fridge. I know, I know - health hazards, fur, etc. I don't eat anything that ever comes remotely close to touching my counters (or feed anyone things that do). If you could see how happy they are staring out the window from their fridge perch you might understand. And - if Aggie - the shyest of shy cats gets up there - she's more than welcome.

So - here's Aggie one step above the fridge on a ledge at the top of the kitchen. She's acting lovable and rolling around up there wanting her belly rubbed.

And here's Aggie during her "mishap". She rolled right off the ledge onto the fridge. I was just trying to take a picture of cute little Aggie and thanks to the wonders of old, slow technology - I got another picture I didn't mean to take. A kitty in mid-air. She didn't fall far - mind you - but it sure was funny (to us at least).


Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Awww, she's so adorable!
Nice action shot, too, what a shocker for poor kitty!

Anonymous said...

So it's TRUE - cats do always right themselves and land on their feet! Too bad you can't do that (like on nights after you've been "out").....