Sunday, June 07, 2009

Real Big "Fish"

Here's me - - posing with a huge weed I pulled from our backyard. Mike said he was going to cut it down and I said: "Oh, you can just pull that." And I did.

I nearly fell over when it popped out, but I did it!! If our fence wasn't there, I would've landed on my arse.

(Those aren't our lovely bushes behind me...that's our neighbors house.)

And, a little helper carrying part of it away.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Weekend Fun

We headed to Raleigh this weekend to see Elmo Live! Matilda enjoyed it soooo much, I would definitely do it again. She was excited and enthralled. I even teared up because I was so happy she was happy! Such fun!

And filed under "The Kindness of Strangers" -- we stopped at a local pizza place on the way home and Matilda kept asking for "ollies...ollies...ollies". So, without adding a salad bar fee to our bill, our nice waitress brought our lovely, demanding daughter a bowl full of olives! How touching is that?