Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I'm a friggin' weirdo!

My friend, Gnightgirl tagged me. (She was previously tagged by our friend Wendy).

List 5 things that are weird about yourself.

(Then tag 5 people.)

Hmmmmm....let's see....there are soooo many!

1. I'm very superstitious. Every morning my husband and I say the same thing: "I love. Be careful. I love."

2. I let my cats sleep in the kitchen cabinet. That's more gross than weird isn't it? We wash the pots and pans before we use them. If this keeps you from coming to my house for dinner - good. ;0)

3. Uh, I have five cats. Could I BE any weirder? (Or more loving?)

4. I have my own language. New addition(s): rebarrassed = embarrassed; grunchy =grouchy/cranky/crunchy?

5. I bought this the other day:

It's called a chamberstick. I had no idea what it was called - just knew that I wanted it. And now I walk around with it saying "Ebenezer Scroooooooooge....Eeeeeeeebeneeeeeeeezer Scrooooooge." (I first thought I wanted this after seeing Micky's Christmas Carol. Ebenezer carries this with him to bed. I think.)

I tag: Ilaiy, Woof, Jamie, Mary P. and Kristin!


Jamie said...

Ooh fun. I love the pics!

prairie biker said...

you need a snuffer to go with it.

Wendy said...

Yup. Weird! I love the candle & thought about Mickey Christmas Carol, too!

The cats look adorable in the cabinet. People freak about my cats on the countertops...

Jamie said...

I finished!

BostonPobble said...

I adore chamber sticks. Welcome to the club!